2022 115th Reunion
2017 110th Reunion
2012 Reunion
2007 Reunion
2001 Reunion
1982 Reunion
1977 Reunion
2012 Reunion
Visit David Rolle’s photo gallery to view and order prints of the 2012 Reunion.
The link is http://photosbydr.smugmug.com/Other/Camp-Kennebec-105th-reunion/22582192_hSzpL5/#!i=1807627482&k=46npbxQ
Donny Clark Valedictory Speech 2012
For those of you who shed a silent tear in the privacy of darkness at the final campfire, you know from whence I speak. For within those eternal flames of our past youth, reside the embers of who we are today. You are more than doctor, lawyer, masters, PHD or world traveler. At heart you are a Kennebecer.
To have borne the title of camper was a rare privilege. To have earned the title of Uncle was indeed an honor, full of grave responsibility. But the greatest accolade one could bestow on me was Kennebec alumni, for I am the product of the greatest camping, camaraderie and sports camp ever.
I am humbled to have known many of you in your strongest and weakest moments of success and failure, of standing, mud-covered in the rain, shivering and laughing with youth’s exuberance and invincibility.
Shaped by the elder teachers and younger collegians, we became more within ourselves then we ever dreamed we could achieve. We grew with each other, season after season, maroon, gray, always Kennebec brothers.
From the war canoes, reservation and grand council, your name was written on a crude dining hall wall on a wilderness lake. You climbed Tumbledown and Katahdin, navigated Moose River and Allagash rapids, and lived to tell of it all.
We owe a debt to each other, to those before and after us, to the alumni committee, to our parents, directors, kitchen, office, maintaince, nurses, doctors and our contempories. If you bruise me, I bruise gray, if you cut me, I bleed maroon, always have, always will.